The Principles of Ethics - 2 Volumes

The Principles of Ethics, by Herbert Spencer.
Volume 1: 8.5 x 11 inches, 592 pages, Large Print.
Purchase at CreateSpace or Amazon for $24 $14.
Free electronic version found at
Volume 2: 8.5 x 11 inches, 520 pages, Large Print.
Purchase at CreateSpace or Amazon for $24 $13.
Free electronic version found at
Reviews: Peter Richards, Max Hocutt, David Gordon
This two volume treatise by the classic liberal political theorist and philosopher Herbert Spencer has been considered by many to be his most influential work. The full compilation of its parts lasted almost a half century from the early 1840's to its publication in 1898. In this treatise, Spencer attempts to provide a basis for ethics built on principles of evolutionary biology. A wide array of topics are covered and explored involving conduct and the induction of ethics as well as justice, rights, and beneficence. This work is a crucial philosophical contribution to these and other subjects related to ethical conduct.